Client Stories

Sarah Nagel-Tornaus path towards digital horse management

Sarah Nagel-Tornau’s transition from traditional whiteboard scheduling to Hippovibe’s digital horse management software has revolutionised her stable operations, significantly enhancing efficiency, health planning, and team coordination.

Sarah Nagel-Tornaus transition of horse management from Whiteboard to Digital with Hippovibe

Sarah Nagel-Tornau manages a small but bustling training and sales stable in Sundern, Sauerland. Her facility houses between 20 to 24 horses and is supported by a dedicated team of two competition riders and four grooms.

Challenges with traditional management methods

Every morning, Sarah would start her day early, heading to the stables to create the daily plan on a whiteboard. However, this method often proved inefficient and chaotic. "Unfortunately, that usually backfired completely," Sarah admits. The manual approach was time-consuming and prone to errors, making it difficult to ensure smooth operations.

Transition to digital horse management with Hippovibe

The shift from traditional methods to digital horse management was remarkably smooth for Sarah and her team, thanks to Hippovibe’s digital horse management software. Despite her initial reservations about adopting digital tools—given her self-professed lack of digital savviness—Sarah found Hippovibe to be exceptionally user-friendly. The software's ease of setup and intuitive interface made it accessible to everyone on her team.

Key benefits experienced by Sarah and her team

  • Time efficiency: For Sarah, the primary advantage of Hippovibe is the substantial time savings it offers. The software automates many of the tasks that previously consumed her mornings, allowing her to focus on other critical aspects of stable management.
  • Enhanced health planning: One of the standout features of Hippovibe for Sarah and her grooms is the improved health management capabilities. The software provides a clear overview of each horse’s health schedule, ensuring that they never miss important appointments with the farrier or follow-up examinations with the vet. This proactive approach to healthcare enhances the well-being of the horses and prevents any oversight.
  • Team coordination: The digital platform allows for better communication and coordination among team members. Everyone has access to the same up-to-date information, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring that the entire team is on the same page regarding each horse's needs and schedules.
  • User-friendly interface: Despite her initial doubts, Sarah found Hippovibe to be incredibly easy to use. The straightforward setup and intuitive design meant that even those with minimal digital experience could navigate the software effectively. This ease of use is a significant factor in the software’s successful adoption at her stable.
  • Customer support and recommendations: Sarah also highlights the excellent customer support provided by the Hippovibe team. During the initial phase and whenever questions arise, Sarah can rely on quick and helpful responses. This level of support has been instrumental in making the transition seamless and stress-free.

"Hippovibe is simply brilliant" Sarah Nagel-Tornau


Sarah strongly recommends anyone considering digital horse management software to take advantage of Hippovibe’s free trial period. Her positive experience underscores the software's effectiveness in streamlining stable management, improving health planning, and saving time. "It's just brilliant," she says, reflecting her satisfaction with Hippovibe.

By adopting Hippovibe, Sarah Nagel-Tornau has transformed the operations of her stable, showcasing the immense benefits of modern digital horse management solutions.

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