Je gegevens zijn veilig en beschikbaar
Bij Hippovibe helpen we stallen hun management te vereenvoudigen. Maar dat zou onmogelijk zijn zonder dat onze software een veilige en betrouwbare plek is om gegevens op te slaan. Daarom is gegevensbeveiliging een absolute prioriteit voor ons. Hier is een lijst met maatregelen die wij nemen om uw gegevens veilig en 24/7 beschikbaar te houden.
Zal Hippovibe altijd beschikbaar zijn?
Hippovibe streeft naar een uptime van 99%, en wij gebruiken verschillende diensten om uptime en sitebeschikbaarheid te monitoren. In het geval van downtime of noodgevallen ontvangt ons technische team real-time notificaties, zodat we snel kunnen handelen.
Wat als er iets niet werkt?
In het zeldzame geval dat er zich problemen voordoen, houden we je altijd op de hoogte via onze statuspagina. We zullen er alles aan doen om het probleem zo snel mogelijk op te lossen.
Versleuteling van gegevensoverdracht
Al het verkeer naar Hippovibe gaat via een SSL-versleutelde verbinding en we accepteren alleen verkeer via poort 443. Dus als u de Hippovibe applicatie opent in de browser zult u zien dat de url begint met HTTPS en dit geeft aan dat de verbindingen die gemaakt worden tussen uw browser en het Hippovibe cloud platform gebruik zullen maken van versleutelde data. Hippovibe stuurt een Strict Transport Security Header (HSTS) naar de user agent, wat ervoor zorgt dat alle toekomstige verzoeken via HTTPS worden gedaan. Zelfs als een link naar Hippovibe is gespecificeerd als HTTP.
AWS beveiligingspraktijken
Hippovibe gebruikt Amazon Web Services (AWS) om applicatiedata op te slaan. Deze servers ondergaan een terugkerende beoordeling om er zeker van te zijn dat ze voldoen aan de laatste industriestandaarden en beheren voortdurend risico's. Meer informatie over AWS beveiliging kunt u hier vinden.
Wachtwoordbeleid en opslag
Om toegang te krijgen tot Hippovibe, moet u een sterk wachtwoord opgeven van minimaal 8 karakters. We slaan deze gebruikerswachtwoorden niet op in platte tekst, we slaan alleen eenrichtingsgecodeerde wachtwoord-hashes op met behulp van open source geauditeerd Bcrypt. Dit beschermt gebruikers tegen regenboogtabelaanvallen en het matchen van versleutelde wachtwoorden.
We hebben strikte codebeoordelingen geïntroduceerd voor elke wijziging aan onze codebasis, om ervoor te zorgen dat de beste ontwikkelingspraktijken worden gebruikt in al onze code pushes. Openbaarmaking van kwetsbaarheden Sinds de lancering van Hippovibe hebben we iedereen uitgenodigd om ons op de hoogte te stellen van problemen die ze vinden in onze applicatie, om ons platform continu veiliger en betrouwbaarder te maken. Alle meldingen van kwetsbaarheden worden gelezen, behandeld en beantwoord in een zo kort mogelijk tijdsbestek.
Hippovibe BV, with registered offices at 3390 Tielt-Winge, Glabbeeksesteenweg 34 A, company number 0543.391.426,,, hereafter ‘Hippovibe’, handles personal data with the utmost care at all times.
This Privacy Policy indicates which personal data is collected and how it is used, as well as how Hippovibe seeks to ensure an adequate protection of the data concerned.
Hippovibe will observe the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, hereafter ‘GDPR’.In addition, Hippovibe will ensure to comply, to the extent possible, to the provisions of the implementing decisions that are taken in accordance with the aforementioned legislation.
Personal data
Personal data entail any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person is considered to be ‘identifiable’ if he can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural of social identity of that natural person.
As a controller, Hippovibe can collect e.g. a data subject’s name, first name, company name, telephone number, e-mail address etc.
Processing of data
Hippovibe will provide sufficient security regarding the personal data that is stored
and processed. Both Hippovibe and her appointees will take the appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the processing that will take place. As far as possible and can reasonably be expected, Hippovibe will make sure that the personal data she has in her possession is updated and that incorrect, incomplete and redundant personal data are corrected or deleted.
Moreover Hippovibe will, as far as possible and can be reasonably expected, make
sure to only grant limited access to the personal data to her appointees.
This access will be restricted to those appointees that need the personal data in order
to execute their duties or to what is necessary information with regard to the
requirements of the department.In this manner Hippovibe will attempt to offer an
appropriate level of security for this personal data and the processing thereof.
The data subject will be required to provide all requested personal data to Hippovibe
because it is a requirement necessary to enter into a contract and to enable the
execution of that contract. In case the data subject does not provide the requested
personal data, Hippovibe will not be able to render the services that have been
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LLC ("Google"),
Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics uses
"cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse
how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of
the website will generally be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the
United States. The legal basis for data processing within the scope of Google Analytics is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO (German Data Protection Act).
However, if IP anonymisation is enabled on this website, Google will previously
truncate your IP address within member states of the European Union or other states
party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, and only in exceptional
cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the United States
and truncated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this
information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports
on website activity and providing other services to website operators relating to
website activity and internet usage. The IP address transmitted by your browser as
part of Google Analytics is not combined with other data from Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.
This is our legitimate interest in data processing within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1
lit. f) DSGVO. The data processed in the context of the use of Google Analytics is
automatically deleted after 26 months.Pursuant to Art. 21 (1) DSGVO, you have the
right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data within the scope of
the use of Google Analytics for reasons arising from your particular situation. You can
also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to
your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by
Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the
following link:
On our website we use the Google Tag Manager of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre
Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). The Google Tag Manager is a
Google tool used to integrate, manage, and continue to use Google services and thirdparty
services on our website for analytical, website optimisation, and/or promotional
purposes. These services are embedded on our website through tags (i.e. additional
programming that is inserted into the source code of our website). Google collects
information about how Google Tag Manager is used and which tags are implemented
and how. Google uses this data only to improve, maintain, protect and develop the
Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager does not set cookies, but rather triggers
other tags that may set cookies or collect data.
For more information about Google Adwords Remarketing and Google's privacy
policy, please visit:
Facebook Custom Audience is used on individual pages of our website. Facebook is
operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. Facebook Custom Audience enables target group-oriented advertising on Facebook. The Facebook pixel also allows you to associate which views of our website are made by clicks on our Facebook ads. Facebook Custom Audience and Facebook Pixel therefore serve our legitimate interest in analysing, optimising and economically operating our online advertising.When using Facebook Custom Audience via the customer list, our customer list is transmitted to Facebook and converted into fixed character strings using a hash procedure. Facebook can use this data to compare which of our customers are also members of Facebook and then play Facebook advertising to these customers or a part of these customers selected according to certain characteristics (e.g. age or interests) or to a comparable target group.
When using Facebook Custom Audience using the pixel method, an invisible Facebook pixel is integrated on our website which, among other things, transmits the Facebook user ID of the user (logged in to Facebook) and data for the use of our website to Facebook. This enables Facebook to track the online behaviour of the users of our website. Facebook can display targeted advertisements to registered users (for example, for a product not purchased after an aborted order process).
In the pixel process as part of a so-called "extended comparison", such data (e.g.
surname, first name, e-mail address, date of birth, etc. of users registered with us) are
also transmitted to Facebook which enable Facebook to determine whether they are
Facebook members even for visitors to our website who are not logged on to
Facebook (in order to include such Facebook members in the above-mentioned target group advertising, if necessary). You can object to your collection by the Facebook pixel at any time. See Letter d. in the "Cookies" section of this Privacy Statement.
In your Facebook account, you can also set what types of ads you see on Facebook.
For more information, see Facebook's Privacy Statement:
Purpose of processing
Hippovibe will process this personal data for different purposes. For any type of
processing, only the personal data that are necessary in order to achieve the
aforementioned purpose will be processed. Hippovibe will pursue the following
purposes in particular:
• customer management
• the rendering of services
• the execution of agreements
• invoicing
Legal basis for processing
The processing of personal data by Hippovibe will be based on the following legal
• consent given by the client/data subject
• necessity for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or for
the taking of pre-contractual measures
• necessity for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Hippovibe, namely
to ensure the continuity of its business activities, compliance with all legal or
regulatory provisions that Hippovibe is subject to.
The sharing and transfer of data
In principle, Hippovibe will only share the personal data with others if the data subject
has given its consent to do so or if it is necessary in order to complete a transaction,
to deliver a product or to render a service.
If necessary, the personal data will also be shared with Hippovibe’s suppliers, in case it is legally required, in case Hippovibe is involved in a dispute with the data subject, in order to protect Hippovibe’s clients, in order to guarantee product safety and in order to safeguard Hippovibe’s (property) rights. Hippovibe will not transfer the personal data concerned to third countries or international organisations.
Retention period of data
The personal data that have been collected will be processed by Hippovibe
throughout the entire period that the data subject calls upon the services offered by
When a data subject no longer uses the services offered by Hippovibe, his personal
data will be stored by Hippovibe for a period of ten years starting from the end of the
partnership with the data subject, unless certain legal statutes of limitation or
retention periods should demand a longer period.
This period will give Hippovibe the opportunity to fulfil her legal obligations, ensure
requirements are abided by, disputes are settled, security is maintained, fraud or
abuse is prevented, etc.
Data subject's right
Hippovibe will facilitate the execution of the data subject’s following rights:
• the right of access to its personal data
• the right to rectification of incorrect personal data
• the right to erasure of its personal data
• the right to restriction of processing of its personal data
• the right to data portability
• the right to object to automated individual decision-making
Furthermore, the data subject has the right to withdraw its consent regarding the
processing of its personal data at any time. However, this withdrawal will not affect
the lawfulness of the processing based on that consent before its withdrawal.
To this end the data subject will need to send an e-mail in this regard to the following
e-mail address:
Hippovibe will respond promptly and in principle within one month, to the data subject’s request.
Software and services
Hippovibe is a software that manages horses on an easy way. To make live easier for our clients the software can setup an integration with the following services.
YouTube API services:
For organising horse video’s, managing playlists and/or adding or deleting videos, the
Hippovibe account is linked to the configured client’s YouTube account.
The API Client uses YouTube API Services.
For more information see YouTube’s API services policy:
If there are any questions or complains the API Client developer can be contacted via
the following e-mail:
Google API services:
For organising horse related documents by creating, updating or deleting folders or files, the Hippovibe account is linked to the configured client’s Google account.
For more information see Google’s services policy:
Google security settings:
Final provisions
This privacy statement applies to the direct customers of Hippovibe BV, as well as to
the customers of the customers whose personal data are also processed in
Should the data subject believe that the processing of its personal data constitutes a
breach of the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject will have the right to lodge a
complaint with the competent supervisory authority.
Hippovibe explicitly reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time,
without any prior notice.
Article 1 - Scope
These terms and conditions will govern the relationship between Hippovibe BVBA, with registered office at 3390 Tielt-Winge, Glabbeeksesteenweg 34 A, company number 0543.391.426, hereafter referred to as ‘Hippovibe’ and the client, regarding the Hippovibe software, during the use, trial and subscription period and after.
These terms and conditions will be applicable to all services rendered and all invoices sent by Hippovibe to the client, as well as to all agreements concluded between Hippovibe and the client. The terms and conditions form an integral part of the agreement with the client. Any aberration from these terms and conditions will need to be agreed to in writing.
These terms and conditions will take precedence over those issued by the client or any third party, even if Hippovibe has not explicitly rejected their use.
The applicability of these terms and conditions is agreed to by the client, merely by the fact that the client has ordered services or products from Hippovibe or has concluded an agreement with Hippovibe.
In the event that one or more clauses of these terms and conditions should be deemed entirely or partially null and void, this will not entail the nullity of the remaining terms and conditions. Parties will replace the void clause by a valid clause that will correspond to the original intentions of the parties.
The Hippovibe software can be used by the client starting from 1 horse and after payment is made (except for the trial period).
Article 2 - Trial and subscription
The initial trial account that is created by the client, will be free of charge. This trial account will be active for a maximum period of fourteen (14) days.
After the termination of the free trial period, the client will have the opportunity to activate a subscription. This subscription period will be on a quarterly or yearly term, starting from the day of activation (hereafter referred to as the ‘Effective Date’). The subscription period will be automatically renewed under the same conditions unless the subscription is terminated, either by one of the parties if this party has given notice of termination by e-mail to the other party at least one (1) day prior to the anniversary of the Effective Date.
The subscription period will not be free of charge.Following the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions by Hippovibe, Hippovibe will give access to the client to the online cloud platform by means of a username or e-mail and password, which the client can use to login to the Hippovibe software. The aforementioned access includes, but is not limited to a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable and nonsublicensable user license to the application owned by Hippovibe and necessary in light of the access to the Hippovibe software. Parties agree to close an End User License Agreement before the actual access can be granted.
Article 3 - Price and payment
All prices are stated in euro. Any increase of the VAT rate and/or any other charge in between the placement of the order and the execution thereof will be borne by the client.
Hippovibe reserves the right to correct any typos regarding its quotations. Hippovibe is permitted to change its prices unilaterally if those price adjustments are due to circumstances beyond her control, e.g. changes regarding VAT, taxes and customs, costs of delivery, purchase, materials etc.
This list of circumstances is solely exemplary and in no way restrictive.The client will pay the amounts due by credit card payment (Visa or Mastercard) or SEPA Direct Debit with the use of IBAN and BIC. At the moment of activation of the subscription period, the client will submit all his payment details to the payment provider.Parties agree that invoices need to be paid immediately and Hippovibe will send these invoices.
In the event that an invoice is not paid immediately, Hippovibe will try and collect the amount due from the client’s credit card or bank account three times. If Hippovibe is not able to collect the amount due during those times, Hippovibe will be allowed to deactivate the client’s account, without prior notice and without having to pay a compensation or severance payment to the client.
Article 4 - Intellectual property
Hippovibe will at all times remain the sole and exclusive owner of all Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Hippovibe software and products, in and to all of their derivative works and improvements. No right, title and/or interest is granted or transferred to the client or any other party.
‘Intellectual Property Rights’ as mentioned in article 4 will mean all rights, titles and interests, including all copyrights, patent rights (including rights under all patent applications, patents, letters patent, supplementary patent certificates, inventor’s certificates, continued prosecution applications, requests for continued examination and other similar filings or stages thereof) and trademark rights, as well as all proprietary rights (including trade secrets) and moral rights (including the rights of authorship and attribution and subsequent modification) throughout the world whether under the laws of Belgium and/or the European Union.
Article 5 - Confidentiality
The client undertakes not to disclose any confidential information that he/she will receive from Hippovibe. Whether or not certain information will be considered to be confidential, will be conveyed by Hippovibe to the client prior to the communication thereof.
Should the parties conclude a non-disclosure agreement, the content thereof will take precedence over the content of article 5.
Article 6 - Termination and annulment
The agreement between parties cannot be terminated in any other way or at any other time than as mentioned in article 2. The agreement between parties cannot be annulled.
Article 7 - Liability
Hippovibe cannot be held liable for any damages whatsoever (including a.o. personal injuries, direct or indirect damages to the client, horses or a third party or consequential damages), except in case of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.
Should Hippovibe be held liable for any damages, the indemnification will, in any case, be limited to the amount that was invoiced and paid for the service or product concerned during the previous financial year, except in case of malicious intent.
The client will safeguard Hippovibe from any claims from third parties regarding damages as mentioned in this article.
The client agrees that no warranties of any kind are given by Hippovibe. The Hippovibe software to which the client subscribes is provided to the client ‘as is’.
Article 8 - Force majeure
Hippovibe cannot be held liable in situations of force majeure (such as war, strike, lock-out, power grid failures, theft, fire, logistical problems for third parties, etc.) which might lead to Hippovibe’s inability to fulfil its obligations (in time). Hippovibe’s obligations will be suspended for the duration of the situation concerned. However, should the event of force majeure continue for more than three (3) weeks, Hippovibe will be allowed to terminate the contract with the client, without having to pay a compensation of severance payment to the client.
Article 9 - Complaints
Any complaints regarding the services, products or invoices need to reach Hippovibe via e-mail as soon as a defect has been ascertained and in any case within seven (7) days after those services have been rendered, the products have been delivered or the invoices have been sent. However, visible defects to products need to be reported at the time of delivery.
After expiration of this term, the services rendered and/or products delivered will be considered to be approved by the client and Hippovibe will have the right to invoice them, and invoices will be considered to have been accepted.
Article 10 - Feedback
During the subscription period, the client will give feedback to Hippovibe wherever he/she can. This can be, for example, feedback, comments and/or experiences concerning the use of Hippovibe software. Hippovibe shall be entitled to use the testimonials of the client for commercial purposes, such as mentioning in press, on its website, social media etc.
Article 11 - Data Protection
The client explicitly confirms that all data that is transferred to Hippovibe has been collected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
The client will safeguard Hippovibe should Hippovibe receive any claim from a data subject whose data have been transferred, collected by and/or has been processed by Hippovibe.
For the remainder, all stipulations as incorporated in Hippovibe’s Privacy Policy are applicable.
This Privacy Policy can be consulted at
Article 12 - Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
The entire legal relationship between Hippovibe and the client will be governed by Belgian law. However, the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods is not applicable. In the event of any kind of dispute between the parties, the courts of the judicial district of Leuven (Belgium), will be exclusively competent.
Article 13 - Third party services
The Hippovibe software allows the client to setup integrations with third party services like YouTube and Google for managing video’s and documents. By agreeing these terms and conditions the client also agrees on accepting the terms of service of these third party services.
YouTube Terms and Conditions